Contragic Fine Arts | Ann Schomburg


Church of N

The development of the recipe moves fast and successfull,
the prototypes could go in series but they won't give up their style

The only sin is not to sin¹ 
1) if you do not sin you sin and everything is allright

Verkostung im Waschsalon Katzensprung
Tasting notes at the laundromat Katzensprung

a wonderful eveing with my beloved Kati Liebert (2nd photographer)


Kassler Kunst Preis Save the date ! 23.05.2013 18h

to be continued

and it reached my hometown. Thanks for the wonderful interview.

installation finish, yes we did it!

installation finish, yes we did it!

after all was installed, the Schaum and Rausch situations happened...

Dann sollen sie doch Kuchen Essen

(my friends are the coolest
my professors the hottest
and my supporters the brightest)

j'adore ma vie......

make up check

memento mori, yay!

these boots were made for walking, this box....

Bildunterschrift hinzufügen




Angriff der Illuminaten oder was war das?

cpm in action

last rest  before the show

Exhibition warm up: framing new works, packaging and collecing the other works for the exhibition of the Kasseler Kunstpreis

See you @ 23. Mai @Südflügel Kulturbahnhof !!!