Contragic Fine Arts | Ann Schomburg



Talk: Ann Schomburg. @@@ You are Dynamite

This is our 5th late night installment of I AM DYNAMITE! - a show that brings the strongest voices of change and positive empowerment to the stage. This month we tackle 
ARE WE A DEMOCRACY? What is happening around the world?

Our public speakerss will give you their raw, honest, funny and sometimes tragic art - for your entertainment! 

Faye Goldsmith (GREAT BRITAIN) is an academic, food blogger and activist who has a focus on refugee and feminist issues. She's setting up a project to tackle sexual violence in Berlin. 

Richard Garbutt (GREAT BRITAIN) is a technologist, writer and comdian. He's currently trying to overturn Brexit one poem at a time and invent an ethical version of Facebook.

Fridey Mickel (USA) is a writer who has been fascinated with political ethics since the age of nine. At 20, she supported UN diplomats in setting up and running various NGOs and political campaigns. With her „Context is Half the Work“ column at the TAZ, she uses interviews with celebrities and other personalities to examine everyday ethics and the moral dance between personal intuition and status quo.

Ann Schomburg (GERMANY) is a Berlin-based artist whose origins started in parliamentary politics, but she decided to switch her career to fine arts, to formulate observations of society in an artistic expression using the real life experience. She uses her own person as an example of real life, where art and life are in a symbiotic relationship. The consistent comparison of the various reactions to the “reality performance” and her art are a relevant focus of research. Schomburg’s interest is to undermine ways using a very own system of logic to reinterpret settled systems.

Rachman Blake (USA) is a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, and world traveler. He's performed in five languages, 15 countries, and at comedy festivals all over the globe. Watch bite-sized behind the scenes films of Rachman's journey on Facebook or Instagram. Http:// Http://

Hosted By Mollis Molloy (New Finland)