Contragic Fine Arts | Ann Schomburg



Bath: Hanging Instructions - Fringe Arts Bath

Though sometimes as engaging as the artwork itself, they remain unseen to most of us: The Hanging Instructions. 
This exhibitions showcases over 35+ instructions by international, as well as local artists - Each attempting to explain and visualise how a piece of their art is to be presented to the public: At what height to hang it, where to place it, how to light …. 
This exhibition is part of teh Fringe Arts Bath Festival from the 27th May until the12th of June - to be seen at FaB2 on Walcot Street.
Further venues and information can be found in the Fringe newspapers all over town!

Installation instructions by the following artists are on display:
Alison McGinn, Ann Schomburg, Annabelle Barton, Bettina Amtag, Brigit Edelmann, Broose, David Wittinghofer, Deborah Harding, Deborah Westmancoat, Ekachai Eksaroj, Elizabeth Levett, Flaut Rauch, Fran Quarterman, Guenter Stangelmeyer, Joe Tymkow, Joey Arand, Johanna Harward, Kati Liebert, Megan Calver, Melanie Vogel, Milen Krastev, Neil Fuller, Rosa-Violetta Groetsch, Sascha Boldt, Tomas Lietzau, Trevor H. Smith, Valeria Abendroth, William Rounce

Further contributions by curators and galleries:
44AD gallery, Anonyme Kunstschaffende, Fiona Cassidy